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Darnyelle Jervey

By her own admission, Darnyelle A. Jervey should not be here today. Born to drug-addicted parents, Darnyelle endured a childhood wrought with health issues, abuse and the negative influences of a parent who spent a large portion of her childhood in jail. However, always a fighter who is willing to step beyond her comfort zone, Darnyelle defied all odds to become what she calls a BBB, or Belief Barrier Breaker®.

Her initial triumph was being the first and only of seven children to graduate from traditional high school and pursue an advanced education, not stopping until she had an MBA. Her second: conquering Corporate America, where in three short years she progressed from a mere representative to the position of Vice President. Her third: leaving her corporate job to start her own Mary Kay Cosmetics consultancy, earning her first pink Cadillac in just five months’ time, and ultimately leading over 500 independent beauty consultants as a Top Pink Cadillac Executive Sales Director. Her fourth, running the Women’s Business Center in Delaware and growing the program and outcomes by 68% and proudest triumph of all: starting, running, and building her own business Incredible One Enterprises, LLC ® to the seven-figure mark. In 2013, she adds her new company division, Amethyst Consulting Group, to her empowerment brands.

As her story reveals, Darnyelle’s positive attitude and hard work paid off. She is now a sought-after speaker and an award-winning certified executive and business coach, author, and marketing consultant. Truth be told, Darnyelle is Incredible; she has a dynamically inspirational story that centers around one theme – you can master success against all odds. Her empowerment brand includes two businesses – Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a company where she worka with uncompromising entrepreneurs and business owners who desire to experience financial and spiritual abundance in their lives because of their businesses. Her business optimization strategies center aroung brand messaging, marketing, sales and operations and Amethyst Consulting Group, LLC, a company where she teaches emerging, expanding and executive business leaders how to build authentic personal brands that advance organizations without selling out, burning out or stressing out. Her talent management strategies are cutting edge and accelerate the growth of organizations in record time. Her clients come to define, own, unleash and leverage their Incredible Factor®, or their unique gifts and talents, to create their own life and business success. She inspires audiences worldwide with her mantra Unleash Your Incredible Factor – which restores confidence, shifts mindsets and moves participants to take control of their destiny through non-negotiable action.

Darnyelle always knew, even at a young age, that she would use words to change the lives of others. As a result, she has authored over five inspirational and personal development books and has created several powerful business programs, such as Incredible Factor UniversityTM, which provides personal and professional growth strategies for high-achieving entrepreneurs and Amethyst Consulting Group, her suite of executive coaching and training and development programs for corporations and governmental agencies.

Darnyelle has been featured in several local and national media outlets, such as O Magazine, Black Enterprise Magazine, Essence Magazine, Delaware Today, CN8, The Word Network and ABC. In 2012, Stiletto Woman Media named her Coach/Mentor of the Year. In 2013, she received an Honorable Mention award as a Small Business Influencer. She is currently a member of the National Speakers Association, National Association of Women Business Owners, and the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce, where she sits on the Board of Directors.

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